
Call President Obama to Veto Indefinite Detentions Without a Trial

December 19, 2011 1 comments

(This post is taken from an urgent call to action email sent by Muslim Peace Coalition USA.)

The President has neither vetoed the NDAA bill nor he has signed it yet. Which means there is still opportunity to ask him to veto it.

The NDAA bill passed by Congress contains some of the most dangerous provisions we’ve ever seen: it would allow the government to imprison anyone indefinitely without trial or charges—even US citizens just based on suspicion.

This is America. We have rights, and we demand that our government respect and protect them.

Call President Obama Today: 202-456-1111

  1. Call President Obama urging him to veto indefinite detentions in NDAA 2012 bill: 202-456-1111.
  2. Call ten friends, colleagues and relatives to call President Obama as well. Do it every day.
  3. Forward this action alert with your friends.

What is the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)?

Read an excellent editorial of New York Times.

Read another critical analysis here.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a bill passed by Congress in early December. It contains provisions that, if made law, would order the military to arrest, and indefinitely detain, even US citizens merely accused (but never proven) of involvement in terror-related crimes. Americans who care about liberty and freedom must take immediate action.

Whether concerned about communities vulnerable to racial profiling in the war on terror, or the ideological profiling apparent in the FBI’s investigation of dozens of peace & justice activists around the country, or simply preserving the right to trial or the longstanding prohibition on domestic military deployment, all Americans share a stake in this struggle.

Please tweet on this topic by hashtags: #indefinite #detentions to tweet your messages about it.

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Mic Check: Teachers, Parents, Community Take Over Board of Ed Meeting Today

December 14, 2011 0 comments

Today (Dec 14), parents, teachers, community members, and the CTU Community Board (Coalition of the CTU and community groups, including TSJ), w/ support from Occupy Chicago, shut down the Board of Education meeting. A big shout out to TSJ members who attended the vigil in front the Board on Dec. 13, slept out on the sidewalk in front of CPS Headquarters in the rain, brought the campers food and coffee, showed up before 6 Am with more coffee and spirit, and attended the Board meeting.
At the meeting itself, the people did a mic-check on the Board and shut down the meeting (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoIsdXkVzVg). Then, we held our own public participation session. This is a new day. People had enough, finally.
Quoting from a message from the CTU:
"Congratulations to each of you for your work which culminated in today's historic walk-out of the Board of Ed members and CPS officials. They cannot ignore us any longer. Because of our unified efforts we have successfully amplified the voices of justice-parents, teachers, students, and community leaders who love and support our children and are fighting for the world class education they deserve.
Because of you, more than 300 people turned out Tuesday night for the candlelight vigil in front of the Board. Kudos to the brave souls who battled inclement weather and sat-in overnight at the Board. The City has not seen this level of protest in many years. This is the spark of a pure, social justice movement in this town. We must sustain it and continue our organizing and public education efforts until we break down the walls of education apartheid."
There is a long road ahead. Check TSJ website and CTU website for school rallies, meetings, upcoming events, and what you can do.
Checkout good print media, and there is much TV footage on the web:
http://www.suntimes.com/news/9440216-418/protesters-take-over-chicago-school-board-meeting.html http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-crowds-gather-to-protest-cps-school-closures-and-turnaround-projects-20111214,0,10496.story
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Call to Action: Fight CPS School Closings!

December 5, 2011 0 comments

For more information on school closings, go to ctunet.com/closings.
To get involved, contact teachersforjustice@hotmail.com.

500 Demand NO School Closings!
On Dec. 3, at King HS on Chicago's South Side, 500 teachers, parents, students, security guards, classroom aids, community members, organizers, and more came together at the CTU Community Board's "Teach-In Against School Closings." Chicago Public Schools are proposing to close/phase-out/consolidate/turnaround 19 schools this year. Over the next 10 weeks, the struggle will accelerate-the struggle of people in neighborhood schools for real resources and support, as an alternative to "school actions" (charters, turnarounds, private control of public schools paid w/ public dollars)!

The solidarity and unity across the city was evident-there were people from 125 schools in CPS!! And 25 unions and community organizations! This is NOT business as usual, as we could feel by the astoundingly high level of militancy, determination, and political consciousness that these are policies of the 1% against the rest of us. The "arrogant racism" (as Jitu Brown of the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization termed it) of a school system that doesn't believe that Black and Brown parents and teachers know how to educate their own children is disgraceful and more. (For further reports on the Teach-In, see http://substancenews.net/)

Here are two maps which locate the school closings (old and proposed) in relation to race, foreclosures, and public housing. The CTU Research Dept developed the maps, and they speak for themselves. Click on the images to see the fullsized maps.

The NEXT step in this fight is the Board of Education Meeting on December 14, 125 S. Clark St (CPS HQs). The night before, Tuesday, Dec. 13, there will be a candlelight vigil starting at 6 PM at 125 S. Clark.

We will then assemble at Dec. 14, at 6 AM Wednesday morning, because that is the only way to get to speak at the Board meeting. You get on line at 6, get signed in to speak starting at 8, wait till 10:30 for the Board meeting to start, and until about 11:15 for the "public testimony" period to begin, where you have 2 minutes to speak, no two people can speak on the same topic, and you can no longer even stand up to support the speakers. And don't forget that you have to miss your 9 to 5 to be there, IF you're lucky enough to still have one. This is democracy? Public input? It's a sham and a shame.


See you December 13 and 14th!
Teachers for Social Justice

CTU's Resource Page on School Closings
Substance News article on CTU Community Board's Teach-In

. Read the Full Story

December Calendar: Fight CPS' School Closings!

December 1, 2011 0 comments

Dec 3, Saturday, 10 AM- 2PM
  •  School Closings Teach-in. Sponsored by the "CTU Community Board" (which TSJ is part of)
  • King HS, 4445 S. Drexell Blvd
Dec 4, Sunday, 1 - 3 PM
  • TSJ December Monthly Meeting
  • Sum-up Curriculum Fair
  • Organize against CPS School Closings
  • Launch ItAGs
Dec 13, Tuesday, 6 PM
  • Vigil to protest CPS School Closings, CPS Headquarters, 125 S. Clark St., 6 PM
Dec 14, Wednesday, 6 AM—Get on line to get in!
  • CPS Board Meeting, 125 S. Clark Street (officially starts at 10:30AM).
For more info, email teachersforjustice@hotmail.org
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Occupy Dialogue

November 19, 2011 0 comments

With the Occupy motion gaining momentum, people are mobilizing across the US in ways we haven't seen in a long time.  We will be having a dialogue at this year's curriculum fair about Occupy and how it relates to those of us who see ourselves as part of the Education for Liberation movement. Here are some resources that give more information on the Occupy motion. This list will continue to be updated over the next weeks and months.

Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Chicago
Occupy Oakland
Occupy Together
Occupy the Hood (National)

People of Color Working Group @ OWS
In Front and Center: Critical Voices in the 99%

Students & Teachers Occupy NYC Board of Ed
Teachers, Students and Parents Against Privatized Education Join Occupy Wall Street Read the Full Story


Video: Highlights From 2010 TSJ Curriculum Fair

November 14, 2011 0 comments

Much thanks to Riza Falks for editing this awesome video of highlights from last year's curriculum fair. Take a peek for a preview of what the Curriculum Fair is like.

Videography by Cortez Davidaz & friends
Still Photography by Melanie Folgar
Editing by Riza Falk (rizafalk.com)
Music from a Mix by Brotha Onaci (soularadiance.wordpress.com)

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Announcing Workshops for 2011 TSJ Curriculum Fair

November 12, 2011 1 comments

Workshops for the Curriculum Fair are now finalized. Here is the list:

PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD AND REGISTER ONLINE (you do not need to register for workshops but you DO need to register for the CF to save you and the rest of us "at the door madness").

We have workshops for and by K-5 teachers, middle/HS teachers, counselors, popular educators, artists, parents, youth, union organizers, adult educators, bilingual educators, queer activists, anti-PIC activists, anti-school-militarization activists, youth workers, and MORE!

Curriculum Fair Workshops-12:15-1:30
Tactics for High School Counselors to Restrict Military Recruiters

Brian Galaviz
El Cuarto Año High School
Community-Led School Transformation: The Bronzeville Global Achievers Village

Jeanette Taylor-Smith, April Stogner, Tracie Scott, Jean Williams
Kenwood Oakland Community Organization

Your Social Life: Intergenerational Workshop on Cyber-bullying & Digital Abuse
Tiffany Witkowski, Tiara Epps, Salome Chasnoff
Beyond Media
Teaching about the "Occupy Movement" and the Current Crises in Grades K-5

Belén Donahue, Israel Hernandez, Monique Redeaux, Stephanie Schneider
Teachers for Social Justice
Living in the Second America: An Interdisciplinary Unit Exploring Youth Violence

Sara Atkins, Melissa Marquardt, Hari Vasu-Devan, Karen Zaccor
Uplift High School
Politics and Culture in the Classroom: Using 'Critical Incidents' as a Springboard for Critical Pedagogy

Kate Stemper, Jonah Bondurant, Emma Meade
Popular Education in ESL/ELL Inquiry to Action Group

Classroom Strategies for Teaching Mathematics and Statistics for Social Justice
Ronald Towns
Christian Fenger Academy High School (Chicago Public Schools)

Curriculum Fair Workshops-2:30-3:45
Honduras-Teachers Defend Public Education in the Midst of a Coup

Norma Yanina Parada
National Front of Popular Resistance to the Honduran coup & Honduran Teachers Unions
Off-Limits? Investigating the Role of Sexuality in the Classroom

Rachel Harper, Meggie Harvey, Ali Jennings, Nicole Darcangelo, Boyd Bellinger
ChiQueer: Queer Issues in Education Inquiry to Action Group
Popular Education In Cuba

Alberto Gonzalez, Evarina Deulofeo
MLK Center, Cuba
Discussing the Prison Industrial Complex With Youth

Billy Dee, Mariame Kaba, Lewis Wallace
Chicago PIC Teaching Collective (Project NIA)
Critical Bilingualism in Grades K-5

Allie Epstein, Rita Sacay
Teachers for Social Justice
Teaching with the Work of Howard Zinn: Voices of a People's History Past and Present.

Mariah Neuroth, Kevin Coval
Voices of a People's History

Changing the Narrative: Using Visual-based Storytelling to Uplift Unheard Voices
The Bees - (Molly, Nikki, Tyler)
The Beehive Design Collective

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Keynote Speakers Announced for 2011 TSJ Curriculum Fair!

November 6, 2011 0 comments

We are excited to announce the speakers for the keynote program at the 2011 Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair!

Mercedes Martinez Padilla is President of the Toa Baja local of the Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico/Teachers Federation of Puerto Rico. Mercedes has been active in the union’s 2008 strike and in protests, marches, and rallies led by the union against government plans to privatize public education and the Teacher’s Retirement System in Puerto Rico. Mercedes brings lessons of the union’s struggle against neoliberal education policies and to defend better working conditions for teachers and a better public education system.

Katherine Rivera Cardec is a teacher in Guaynabo and a member of the Federacion de Maestros de Puerto Rico/Teachers Federation of Puerto Rico. Since 2010, she has been the secretary of her local union. She participated actively in the 2008 teacher's strike. 

Norma Yanina Parada is a leader in the Tegucigalpa teachers’ movement and a member of two of the most active national teachers’ organizations in Honduras. Yanina was one of 305 teachers suspended by the Lobo government in the spring of 2011 because of their participation in massive protests against the government’s actions against teachers and public schools. In May 2011 she helped launch a 30 day hunger strike to protest the suspension of 5000 teachers and in support of the demands of teachers, students and families regarding public education. She has been active in the National Front of Popular Resistance (FNRP) since it was formed shortly after the coup of June 28, 2009.

Jitu Brown is Education Organizer for the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization. Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, Jitu has organized in the Kenwood Oakland neighborhood for over 17 years bringing community voices to the table on school issues and helping to stop school closings in the area. Working locally and thinking globally, Jitu has taken youth leaders from KOCO to the United Nations, the Passamaquoddy Native American reservation in Maine and the UN Conference on Racism in South Africa. Jitu has been a leader in coalitions of parents, teachers and youth who have fought school closings, turnarounds, and privatization of public education in Chicago. Read the Full Story

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11th Annual Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair!

October 31, 2011 0 comments

We are very excited that Saturday, November 19, 2011 will be the 11th Annual Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair, co-sponsored by Rethinking Schools. This year's theme is "Defend and Transform Public Education!"

In "science fair" format, and completely grassroots volunteer-organized, the Curriculum Fair will provide over 800 educators, activists, parents, youth & community members with a space to share curricula, resources, and inspiration. We'll be making friends & building relationships, exploring ideas & projects, connecting our histories & struggles. All in a spirit of social justice and education for liberation.

Online registration is open: Please register here now and spread the word!

*UPDATE* The deadline for Curriculum Exhibits has been extended to November 7th! Submit online here!

(Download flyer PDF in English)(En Español)

Stay tuned for more information on program keynote speakers, performers, workshops and more!

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 201110:00AM - 5:00PM
Doors open at 9:30am
Orozco School
1940 W. 18TH Street (map & directions)
Chicago, IL Read the Full Story

Curriculum Fair Resource Table Application

September 24, 2011 0 comments

Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair


Saturday, November 19, 2010 10AM-5PM

Resource Table Application Form—Due October 31st!

Resource Table Information (Please note that if you are an educator and your exhibit includes curriculum, you need to fill out a Curriculum Exhibit Form instead): Resource tables are generally for organizations that produce resources for educators. We look for resources that are pro-justice, anti-racist, critical, multicultural, activist, and work toward building an education movement for liberation.

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ItAGs 2012! Be an Inquiry to Action Group facilitator

September 19, 2011 0 comments

What is an ItAG?
An ItAG is an Inquiry to Action Group. It’s similar to a study group, but the goal is that after the group inquires into a particular topic, they will together create action around their area of study, making it a true community of praxis. The topics and themes are always consistent with TSJ’s principles and support, study and take action on issues of education and social justice.

What is a co-facilitator?
All ItAGs are co-facilitated and the co-facilitator responsibilities include helping spread the word about ItAGs, doing preliminary planning and organizing, and maintaining communications with the group throughout the 8 weeks. Facilitators do not write curriculum or plan each session, it really is about a collaborative effort and sharing of knowledge within the group. The co-facilitators do kick things off and keep the ball rolling, as well as set a tone of cooperation and mutual learning.


Check out last year's ItAGs: http://www.teachersforjustice.org/2011/03/tsj-itag-cycle-ends-with-bang.html

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Curriculum Exhibitor Application Form—Due October 31st

Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair
Saturday, November 19, 2011 10AM-5PM

Curriculum Exhibitor Application Form—Due October 31st!

Curriculum Exhibitor Application Form

Curriculum Exhibitor Information:
Curriculum exhibitors are usually teachers and educators who have taught social justice focused lessons, units or projects. We recognize that teachers collectively produce knowledge about how to teach for social justice and we want to learn from each other. We strongly encourage teachers to share their work in progress and to give and get feedback from other educators in order to further develop our collective understanding of what teaching for social justice means in theory and practice.

We are looking for curriculum exhibits that are pro-justice, anti-racist, critical, multicultural, activist, and work toward building toward the practice of “Another Education is Possible!” 
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September 14, 2011 0 comments

In June 2011, 15 TSJ-ers took a 9-day trip to Cuba to study the education system. We went to learn about education there, to help us rethink what we're doing here. We will share some of what we learned, along with photos, video, and other artifacts.

All are invited (FREE), and no previous knowledge of Cuba is necessary.

Saturday, Sept. 17
5:00 -7:30 PM
Residence Dining Hall
Jane Addams Hull House Museum
800 S. Halsted St.
Chicago Read the Full Story

URGENT: Calling all educators to "Teach Troy" in your classroom this week!

September 12, 2011 0 comments

Georgia Death Row prisoner Troy Davis is scheduled to be executed on Wednesday, September 21 despite overwhelming doubts about his guilt. In light of this imminent execution date, EDUCATORS FOR TROY—a Chicago-based ad hoc group of educators, activists and artists—is calling on all educators to interrupt their regular teaching schedules this week to dedicate a class period to “TEACH TROY.”

Please use this emergency “Teach Troy” curriculum available on our new "Teach Troy" blog <http://troydaviseducation.wordpress.com/> at http://troydaviseducation.wordpress.com/

The blog provides: 1) links to readings and videos about the case of Troy Davis; 2) suggestions for student projects and assignments; and 3) links to simple, independent actions that students can take to help save Troy’s life.

Educators and students can share their experiences on the Feedback page of the “Teach Troy” blog and/or e-mail their work to troydaviseducation@gmail.com to be added to an archive of all contributions received.

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Calling all ARTISTS!!

September 6, 2011 0 comments

We need your vision, your expertise, and your support! Art is a vital contribution to the social justice movement and we hope you'll consider designing a poster for the Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair this year!

We're kicking off the planning for the 11th annual Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair. This year, our theme is "Defend and Transform Public Education." One of the most crucial parts of the planning process is getting the word out and visually representing TSJ, the Curriculum Fair, and our theme (all in one poster!).

Check out the poster from last year---This shows ALL the information that needs to be included. It should just say 11.19.11, and 11th anniversary instead.

As the TSJ Curriculum Fair is a completely grassroots, volunteer run event, all labor (a lot of labor!) is donated. We hope that artists will step up to contribute an idea for the poster design because they believe in contributing to this movement (we really, really wish we could pay everyone for their time, talent and labor).

If you're interested, please submit a poster design idea to Sarah Atlas, seatlas@gmail.com, by September 16. Designs should be a good draft, but doesn't have to be finished. Once we pick a design for the fair, we hope the artist can complete their design by September 24.

The TSJ Arts Committee Read the Full Story


August 30, 2011 0 comments

This NOVEMBER 19th is the ELEVENTH Annual Chicago-Area Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair!

Our theme for this year's fair: Defend and Transform Public Education!

Come help plan one of the biggest Chicago-area popular education events of the year!
Saturday, Sept 10
UIC College of Education
1040 W. Harrison
3rd Floor "Commons" Room (big room on 3rd floor)
ALL are welcome!

1:00    Meet and intros
1:15    Brief report-back on recent TSJ trip to study Cuba's education system
2:00    Curriculum Fair planning-Committees, Media, Art, Workshop planning, etc.

Get involved and help make the Curriculum Fair a continued success as we continue to make this road while walking! Read the Full Story

Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Teachers 2011-2012

August 17, 2011 0 comments

2011-2012 coverEdited by Tara Mack and Bree Picower

Order online from Rethinking Schools for the discount price of $15 each for the hard copy ($14 each for bulk orders of 10 or more) plus shipping and handling, or $9.50 for a downloadable pdf.

Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Teachers 2011-2012 is a plan book for educators who believe their students can and will change the world. It is designed to help teachers translate their vision of a just education into concrete classroom activities. 

The newest edition has all the things you would expect in a lesson plan book plus:
  • Weekly planning pages packed with important social justice birthdays and historical events
  • References to online lesson plans and resources related to those dates
  • Tips from social justice teachers across the country
  • Inspirational quotes to share with students
  • Thought-provoking essential questions to spark classroom discussions on critical issues
  • Reproducible social justice awards for students
  • and much more
The 2011-2012 edition is the fourth in the Planning to Change the World series. Click here to view sample pages. This year's calendar features all new historical anniversaries and birthdays. How is it that Planning to Change the World has new events and birthdays each year? Learn more about the 10 Year Rule and get a sneak peak at some sample dates from the 2011-2012 calendar.
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June 14: Honduras? What's Really Going On

June 7, 2011 0 comments

Join us in welcoming from Honduras, members of human rights and resistance organizations with the latest news from Honduras and a discussion about the real situation in the country, the human rights crises and the perspective for the struggle for a new Honduras.

June 14, 2011
Casa Michoacan
1638 S. Blue Island Ave (Pilsen)

While the US State Department and the Organization of American States are declaring that everything is 'normal' in Honduras, the teachers continue on hunger strike, campesinos continue to be murdered, and the resistance continues.

Special Guests:
Alex Navas Alvarez from the Lawyers' Collective for Justice (CAJ) and the Lawyers' Front Against the Coup. Alex is under special protective measures from the Interamerican Commission on Human Rights.

Alejandro Mairena, member of CAJ and the Lawyers' Front Against the Coup and lawyer representing human rights victims in the rural area of Aguan.

Gloria Vasquez, member of CAJ, and an active member of the public employees union, SITRARNP. Gloria is also under special protective measures.

Sponsored by La Voz de los de Abajo and Teachers for Social Justice.

Event on Facebook

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Join TSJ -- Immigrant Rights and Worker Rights May 1st!

April 29, 2011 0 comments

TSJ is mobilizing for the May 1 Immigrant and Worker Rights march.
Our banner and signs will link the attack on immigrants with attacks on
teachers, teacher unions, and public sector workers. This is a critical
time to connect these issues-to bring these movements together and resist blaming immigrants, people of color, and teachers and other workers for the crisis created by Wall St.

PLEASE join the TSJ contingent and bring your students!  Meet under the
TSJ banner in Union Park [Ashland Ave. and Lake St.] at 1:45. The rally starts at 2:00. We will then all march to Pilsen (Plaza Tenochtitlan, 18th and Blue Island), where another rally will start at 4PM.
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TSJ Dissects Rahm Emanuel’s Education Plan

April 6, 2011 1 comments

At March’s General Meeting, TSJ took a look at Mayor-Elect Rahm Emanuel’s plan for the future of public education in Chicago. We had a robust and interesting discussion both in small groups and as a whole. There were so many insightful views and ideas on this plan; here we will share some of those points that resonated most with the group:

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss:

This plan is largely a continuation of education policies set in motion under Daley.
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TSJ ItAG Cycle Ends with a Bang!

March 25, 2011 0 comments

On Saturday March 12, TSJ held an event to mark the end of our second cycle of Inquiry to Action Groups (ItAGs).

Held at Marwen, this event served as the finale for an eight-week session of ItAGs, groups that met to study a topic together and plan action addressing the issues uncovered through their learning. TSJ adopted the ItAG structure from our partners in New York City, NYCORE, who developed this condensed model of reflection and action as a way to make study groups more accessible to teachers and more relevant to the communities where we work. This was the second year TSJ has held ItAGs, propelled by the effectiveness of last year’s cycle which included 5 groups.

This year’s four groups were LGBTQIA/Queer issues in education, ESL/ELL and Popular Education, the Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Task Force, and Media Literacy.

The LGBTQIA/Queer issues in education group had several actions including a list of recommendations for TSJ to make queer issues and visibility more present in our work. They also are supporting a screening of the film This Is Reteaching Gender and Sexuality followed by a discussion with the filmmakers on April 27 at 6:30 p.m. (Location TBA).

The ESL/ELL and Popular Education group is creating “codes,” curricular materials modeled after those used in literacy campaigns in Latin America that were rooted in Paolo Freire’s theories. These codes are designed to incite critical conversations within a political framework as a vehicle for language learning. In addition, the group is in conversation with Casa Juan Diego, a youth center in Pilsen, about ways to support them in incorporating popular education into their approach.

The Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Task Force is creating a curriculum about the history of education and education-related struggles in Chicago. It will be available on the web database of social justice-related curricula currently being compiled by the Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Task force (an organization independent of this ItAG currently creating and documenting radical curricula).

Finally, the Media Literacy ItAG is creating curriculum to support people developing a critical consciousness as media consumers. Their curricula covers issues related to media and identity, social media, politics and media, and advertising.

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TSJ Inquire to Action Group Finale!

March 2, 2011 0 comments

5:00 - 7:00 PM
At Marwen
833 N. Orleans
Chicago, IL
On Facebook 

TSJ is wrapping up its 2nd annual round of Inquiry to Action Groups. The ItAGs gather educator activists and their allies to study, dialogue, share resources, build community, and create an action around social justice issues in education.

At the finale event, open to all, ItAG participants will share their experiences and help build this model of development and community building. All are welcome and urged to attend to learn more about the four ItAG topics Media Literacy and Education, LGBTQIA Issues in Education, ELL, Bilingualism & Popular Education, and the Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Task Force and also to learn better how to apply an ItAG model of the study group in your community.

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Raza Studies Tour | Save Ethnic Studies!

February 23, 2011 0 comments

Teachers for Social Justice, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) and Social Justice High School (SOJO) are excited to welcome Norma Gonzales and Jose Gonzales of the Tuscon Unified School District to speak about their struggle to save ethnic studies.

Friday, Feb. 25, 2010
Little Village Lawndale Social Justice High School

3120 South Kostner Avenue
Chicago, IL
On facebook
Download Flyer | En Español
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Teachers for Social Justice - Election Day Resources 2011

February 22, 2011 0 comments

Mural by Maya Escobar for Del Valle
It's election day in Chi-town and we wanted to share a few resources. Thanks to everyone for adding to the vibrant debate about what kind of city and education system we want and what kind of leadership and elbow grease it's going to take to get there.

Don Washington's research team is what's up- check out his "Election Day Pep Talk" and other resources.

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Suspension Stories: A New Resource to Address the School to Prison Pipeline

February 21, 2011 0 comments

The Rogers Park Young Women's Action Team and Project NIA are proud to announce the launch of Suspension Stories.

Suspension Stories is a youth-led participatory action research project that incorporates surveys, storytelling, and art to address the issue of harsh school disciplinary policies and their connection to pushing students out into the prison pipeline.

The Rogers Park Young Women's Action Team (YWAT) partnered with Project NIA to collect stories about students' experiences of being suspended and/or expelled from school. Over the past few years, some of YWAT's members have complained about the harsh discipline policies that exist at their schools. Members are concerned about youth in their community and how they are being "pushed out" of school because of the zero tolerance policies that many schools still implement. They believe that there is a need for youth voice to "talk back" to the educational system and to show how these policies are actually harming children.

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Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce and Curriculum Nights

The Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce is a volunteer grassroots group working on curriculum development of A Peoples Chicago: Our Stories of Change and Struggle.

An invitation from the Taskforce:

We aim to create at least eight core curricular units, including:
- Urban Renewal or Urban Removal?
- A Look into Chicago School & Educational Struggles with Connections to Surrounding Communities - Past, Present, and Future

This space provides participants with a collective structure to brainstorm new units, decide on our "best practices" and develop relevant, creative, interdisciplinary curriculum for grades 3 - 12. They've got an excellent & attractive newsletter which you can Check out here. Read on for details for the monthly Curriculum Nights.

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Teachers for Social Justice Endorses Del Valle for Mayor!

February 12, 2011

TSJ has decided to endorse Miguel Del Valle for Mayor.

We believe Miguel Del Valle is the candidate most likely to be responsive to the educational concerns of teachers, families, students and communities in Chicago. We know that real change in public education in Chicago will depend on all of us organizing and working together for the changes we need. But a mayor who listens to the people, not just business, is an important condition for us to have our issues heard and addressed and our solutions taken seriously. This election is a chance to make that happen.

To follow the Del Valle campaign, visit the Del Valle website and Facebook fan page.

For TSJ's education-focused breakdown of the Mayoral candidates, download our TSJ Voter Guide.

Be sure to Get Out the Vote on February 22nd!

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TSJ General Meeting with Special Guest Bob Peterson of Rethinking Schools

February 9, 2011 0 comments

Sunday, Feb 13
UIC College of Education
1040 W. Harrison St; Room 3233 (Commons Room, 3rd Floor)
Chicago, IL

--Get Involved! Learn about current & upcoming projects: TSJ Voter Guide, Raza Educators Tour, Campaign for the Elected Representative School Board, and more...

-- At 2:00pm hear Bob Peterson (Rethinking Schools editor and candidate for president of the Milwaukee Teachers Union) speak on how Milwaukee educators and activists defeated Mayoral control of Milwaukee schools!

On facebook.
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Democracy Remixed, Black Youth and the Future of American Politics

In Democracy Remixed, award-winning scholar Cathy Cohen offers an authoritative analysis of the state of black youth in America today. Join us for a conversation about the politics, ideas and resistance of black youth. 
Saturday, February 19 
2 - 5pm
Chicago Urban Art Society
2229 South Halsted Street
Chicago, IL

The program will begin with a conversation between Cathy Cohen and Bakari Kitwana, about the future o...f young black Americans and American democracy. Then, a panel of national and local voices who work with black youth will address the question: what would a black youth political agenda look like? Participants in this important conversation include:
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TSJ Releases Mayoral Voter Guide (Education Issues)

February 3, 2011 0 comments

Hey Folks! So you know that Mayor Daley is outta here, and you’re probably wondering where the candidates stand on the issues. Well, TSJ is here to help on the education front. We hadn't endorsed a candidate at the time of researching this, but we are involved in a campaign to bring an Elected Representative School Board (ERSB) to the Chi. In this guide we give some info on the ERSB and break down where the candidates stand on a variety of education issues. So read on, and remember to vote on February 22nd. 

Feel free to pass on the guide, print it out, or leave us a comment!

Also Check out Gender JUST's Youth-based Assessment of the Mayoral Candidates. Read the Full Story

2011 TSJ Inquiry to Action Groups (ItAGS)

January 6, 2011 0 comments

TSJ is excited to announce our 2nd annual round of Inquiry to Action Groups (ItAGs). The ItAGs gather educator activists and their allies to study, dialogue, share resources, build community and create an action around social justice issues in education.

The ItAGs will meet once a week for 6 weeks starting the week of January 22 and conclude with a finale, same place, same time, March 12, where all the ItAGs will reconvene to share their work.

Signup is officially closed for 2011. See you at the March 12 Closing Event!
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UPLIFT's First Annual Social Justice Expo

January 5, 2011 0 comments

*Postponed!!  New Date!!!*

UPLIFT Community High School's *First Annual Social Justice
Expo* postponed.
 Due to snowstorm, the new date will be Wednesday,
February 9, 2011.

UPLIFT's Social Justice Expo is a collaborative effort of Uplift
students, teachers, after-school programs and community organizations.

The Expo will feature some of the social justice related learning and
action that UPLIFT students, teachers, staff and community partners have been engaged in.

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