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2009 Teaching for Justice Curriculum Fair Recap

November 29, 2009 0 comments

Thanks everyone for coming to the Teaching for Justice Curriculum Fair and adding to the vibrancy of the TSJ community.

The energy, vibe, conversation, sharing that took place was really inspiring and we're so grateful to all of the event organizers, educators, presenters, youth workers, administrators, cultural workers, activists, parents, students and young folks who came out. The critical mass of volunteers was truly inspiring.

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Curriculum Fair Talkback & How To Get Involved in TSJ

November 28, 2009 2 comments

Curriculum Fair Talk Back and & How to Get Involved in TSJ: 4:00pm - 5:30pm

4:00 - 5:30pm
1901 S. LOOMIS St.(corner of 19th street in Pilsen)

* Help evaluate the Currculum Fair, we'd love to hear your thoughts & stories.
* Get involved in TSJ and planning the Spring calendar: Inquiry to Action Groups, Social Events, Movie Nights, Forums, Anti-Renaissance 2010 Actions, and more.
* Check out video highlights from the fair's speakers.

CURRICULUM FAIR EVALUATION FORM: We value reflections and would love if you'd take a few minutes to respond- click below::


Thank you! Read the Full Story


November 20, 2009 0 comments

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Teaching for Social Justice from the Ground Up

Teaching for Social Justice from the Ground Up from Teachers for Social Justice on Vimeo.

We are very excited that this November 20, 2010 will be the 10th Annual Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair, co-sponsored by Rethinking Schools. This year's theme is "Another Education is Possible, Another World is Necessary!"

In "science fair" format, and completely grassroots volunteer-organized, the Curriculum Fair will provide over 600 educators, activists, parents, youth & community members with a space to share curricula, resources, and inspiration. We'll be making friends & building relationships, exploring ideas & projects, connecting our histories & struggles. All in a spirit of social justice and education for liberation.
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CURRICULUM: Using Maps to Explore Place Awareness Through Abstract Design

November 14, 2009 0 comments

DESCRIPTION: Even though students may live in a city, where the people they encounter each day come from all over, they might still be unfamiliar with any neighborhood outside their own. This lesson seeks to open the door to the exploration of Chicago neighborhoods and the unfamiliar through the use of mapping in abstract art. Students will explore the idea of creating artwork from the lines, shapes, and design of neighborhood maps. Students will select two neighborhood cutouts at random in addition to their own neighborhood, to trace and create an abstract design, exploring different techniques with oil pastels. They will utilize the elements and principles of line, shape, balance, and pattern in their composition. In the end, students’ compositions will connect the three different cutout neighborhood shapes into one cohesive design, allowing them to contemplate how these different shapes and neighborhoods exist in the same space. 

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Exploring the Roots of Youth Violence

November 13, 2009

A Youth-Led Action Research Curriculum Guide

Call for Curriculum Submissions

The Chicago Freedom School, Project NIA and Teachers for Social Justice are partnering to develop a youth-led action research curriculum guide in order to contribute to the ongoing efforts by young people and their adult allies to analyze the root causes of youth violence and to create local solutions.
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