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Save Our Schools Rally - A Huge Turnout!

May 26, 2010 1 comments

On May 25, TSJ joined several thousand fired-up teachers, parents, students, and school staff, in a huge show of outreach at CPS's proposed budget cuts.

Marching from CPS headquarters to City Hall, we took to the streets with demands: * Save our Schools! * Chop from the Top! * Stop investing in Private Schools! * The Money is There- Give the TIF $ back to the People!

Clark Street was clogged with buses unloading marchers (by our count about 40 buses). As part of the Grassroots Education Movement (GEM), TSJ and other GEM partners (KOCO, Blocks Together, Pilsen Alliance, among others present) joined the current leadership of the Chicago Teachers Union and CORE (Caucus of Rank and File Educators) which initiated the rally in the union and is in a run-off for the leadership. This powerful outpouring signaled the power of unity between teachers and community that we will need we will need to defeat the drastic budget cuts hitting school districts around the country as politicians, corporations and banks try to dump their financial crisis on our backs.

The rally gave us a taste of the power of the teachers union, a sleeping giant, which if fully awakened as a social justice union in principled alliance with children and communities, has the strength to bring the city and the school district to listen to the people' demands. This is why it is strategically important to support CORE for the CTU runoff election on June 11!
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CORE is in the Chicago Teachers Union Hunt

May 24, 2010 0 comments

In Chicago Teachers Union elections last week, the Caucus of Rank-and-File Educators (CORE) garnered enough votes to take it to a run off, falling just 1.9 points behind the incumbents. Taking in account all of the opposition groups, 2/3 of CTU voters sent a message calling for change and CORE, a social justice caucus within the union, has a chance of winning.

TSJ has officially endorsed CORE in the elections and we're encouraging all to respond to the call to help.

CORE is having a dinner & planning meeting this Monday, open to all those want to find out how they can support in the June 11th Runoff Election.

Monday, May 24th 2010 4:00-6:00 PM
Letter Carriers Hall
3850 South Wabash
Food will be provided.

Check out info on the Run Off & Elections at:

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Save Our Schols Rally this Tuesday!

May 20, 2010 0 comments

Join Educators, Union members, Parents,
Community Leaders and Students to protest the
Board's devastation of Chicago's public schools.
CPS is planning to
* Increase class sizes to 37 students
* Cut after-school programming
* Fire thousands of teachers
* Eliminate full day kindergarten
Rally - Tuesday May 25
4-6 p.m.
Starting at the Chicago Teacher's Union: 125 S. Clark Street
Marching to City Hall
Chop from the Top - Eliminate Board Waste
Stop investing in Private Schools - Freeze Charter Schools and Turnarounds
The Money is There. Give the TIF $ back to the people.
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TSJ Officially Endorses CORE for CTU Leadership

May 16, 2010 1 comments

TSJ Members and Friends,

The upcoming election for the leadership of the CTU (Chicago Teachers Union), on May 21, is extremely significant given the current political and economic situation facing Chicago.
On the basis of our political principles and 12-year history of fighting for justice and equity in education (and society), Teachers for Social Justice officially endorses CORE (Caucus of Rank-and-file Educators) for CTU leadership.

We believe CORE has the best chance to lead the CTU forward towards being a democratic, social justice union, in solidarity with communities and community organization, that will fight for the interests of Chicago students, parents, and, of course, teachers. We know and respect many in CORE leadership because many came out of TSJ and are still members/friends and participate in TSJ events.

We urge all TSJers to vote for the CTU in the election (if you are a union member) and to otherwise help in EVERY way you can to support CORE. CORE is holding a May 8 "training event" for outreach to schools (flyer attached) for all who want to volunteer to support their election drive. See http://coreteachers.com/election/ for more details, their specific platform, and candidates. They will also be doing some phone banking, so stay tuned!
In solidarity and struggle,
Teachers for Social Justice Active Core

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Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Teachers

May 15, 2010 0 comments

Our friends at the Education for Liberation Network just announced the publication of the 2010-2011 edition of Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Teachers. This unique resource is packed with all new social justice anniversaries and birthdays as well as lots of new resources, quotes and essential questions for students.

Pre-order your copy from Rethinking Schools for a discount price today! Or learn more by visiting www.justiceplanbook.com.
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2011 ItAG Online Registration

May 6, 2010 1 comments

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Feria Anual de Curriculos de los Maestros para la Justicia Social, 20 nov 2010

May 5, 2010 0 comments

Estamos bien emocionados que este proximo 20 de este noviembre 2010 será el 10º Anual Feria de Curriculos de la Justicia Social, patrocinado por los Maestros para la Justicia Social (Chicago) y copatrocinado por Rethinking Schools.  La tema de este año es “Otra Educación es Posible, Otro Mundo es Necesario!”

En el formato de una feria de ciencias, y organizado por voluntarios, La Feria de Curriculos proveerá a más que 600 educadores, activistas, padres, jóvenes y miembros de la comunidad de un espacio en que puedan compartir curriculos, ideas y recursos.  Estaremos haciendo amigos y construyendo relaciones, explorando ideas y proyectos, conectando nuestros historias y luchas.  Todo en el espíritu de la justicia social y la educación para la liberación.

Maestros de K-12 se presentarán con carteles para discutir sus curriculos preferidos (favor de inscribirse!), organizaciones locales y nacionales tendrán mesas con recursos y libros, y líderes de la comunidad facilitarán el diálogo por unos talleres sobre varios asuntos importantes.

Y no te olvides de las palabras de presentación que siempre nos inspira… ya pronto anunciaremos el orador.

Proveemos el almuerzo para todos, para sostenernos mientras pasamos por el día.  Arte en vivo, pinturas y pancartas por artistas de movimientos locales inspirarán y asombrarán, y además, hay rumores de alguna fiesta por la noche…

Esperemos que nos ayuden a dar forma a este espacio para que sea accesible para las personas con discapacidades, abierto para las personas con las necesidades de lenguaje, además deísmos que la feria sea un espacio seguro.

Inscribete, ofrece tus servicios, ven a una reunión!  Te apreciaremos mucho!


Siguiendo el Foro Social del EEUU en Detroit este junio, las luchas para la educación las están pasando por todo el país, la victoria en Milwaukee contra la relevación por el alcalde de las escuelas públicas, y la increíble victoria reciente de la CORE para el liderazgo del Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago, reconocemos que ahora, más que nunca, hay que construir el momento del movimiento de la Educación para la Liberación

Por 10 años de la Feria de Curriculos, nos hemos conjuntado por nuestro compromiso a la educación para la justicia social.  Junto con educadores de todo el país, trabajamos para que tengamos aulas y escuelas que existan en contra del racismo, que sean multiculturales/multilingües, y que tengan sus bases en las experiencias de los estudiantes.  Creemos que Otro Mundo es Posible y entendemos que es necesario enfrentarnos con los discursos de la política de la educación para crear las escuelas más justas y humanitarias, pero también estamos conectados con una red nacional e internacional de educadores activistas y reconocemos más y más que Otro Mundo es Necesario.


10:00AM – 5:00PM
Las puertas abren a las 9:30am
Orozco School
1940 W. 18TH Street (mapa & direcciones)
Chicago, IL

Estaremos reciclando el papel y el plástico este año y deseamos tener un evento sin las botellas plásticas de agua.  Favor de llevar su propia botella de agua.



MANDAR ESTE MENSAJE a tus contactos e invitar a tus amigos por la Página del Evento en la Facebook (haz clic en “Seleccionar Invitados” en la izquierda abajo del imagen del folleto).



SER VOLUNTARIO para el Alcance, Levantar y Limpiar, Inscripción y Comidas.

No hay costo para inscribirse, pero pedimos una donación de $5-10 (incluye el almuerzo) si puedes dar.  Este es un evento de voluntarios, donaciones de dinero y necesidades es apreciado para que podamos cubrir los costos.  Gracias!


Visita nuestro website, intentaremos poner un video de las palabras de presentación de los oradores durante el evento y compartiremos videos, fotos y audio del evento un poco más tarde.

¿Tienes algunas preguntas sobre viajar a Chicago desde otro lado?  Contactános en  teachersforjustice@hotmail.com o en facebook.

Con paz,

Maestros Para La Justicia Social
Chicago, IL Read the Full Story