ItAGs 2012! Be an Inquiry to Action Group facilitator
What is an ItAG?
An ItAG is an Inquiry to Action Group. It’s similar to a study group, but the goal is that after the group inquires into a particular topic, they will together create action around their area of study, making it a true community of praxis. The topics and themes are always consistent with TSJ’s principles and support, study and take action on issues of education and social justice.
What is a co-facilitator?
All ItAGs are co-facilitated and the co-facilitator responsibilities include helping spread the word about ItAGs, doing preliminary planning and organizing, and maintaining communications with the group throughout the 8 weeks. Facilitators do not write curriculum or plan each session, it really is about a collaborative effort and sharing of knowledge within the group. The co-facilitators do kick things off and keep the ball rolling, as well as set a tone of cooperation and mutual learning.
Check out last year's ItAGs: http://www.teachersforjustice.
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