2008 Teaching for Social Justice Curriculum Fair Recap
Teachers for Social Justice
8th Annual Curriculum Fair
Saturday Nov. 22
10:30-5 pm
Orozco School
1940 W. 18th St.
Teachers for Social Justice (Chicago) is hosting its eighth annual Curriculum Fair, a venue for dialogue between teachers, students, parents and activists who are interested in progressive teaching practices to understand and challenge injustice.
This is a full-day event, with workshops, speakers, "interest groups," and lots of teachers sharing curriculum/ideas (and food!).
10:30am Doors open to the public
11:00am Kevin Coval and Youth Spoken Word Artists
11:35am Barbara Ransby, Keynote Speaker
12:30pm Workshops (75 minutes)
1:45pm Lunch
3:00pm Workshops (75 minutes)
4:25pm Interest Groups (along subject/grade level areas of interest)
Workshops Included:
When Hormones Go Wild: Health, Mind and Body Radio Arte Salud Project
Real Teacher Unionism: How to fight for you’re your jobs and your students at the same time. Caucus of Rank and File Organizers
High Stakes Literacy Assessments: A Critical review of DIBELS, Social Justice Teacher Research Group
From Despair to Power – Utilizing Student Created Social Documentaries as a Service Learning and Community Change Tool, Members of Kelvyn Park Social Justice Academy
Creating Social Justice Curriculum from Youth’s Survey Response, The Black Youth Project
Reading and Writing the World with
Mathematics, Students in the Math and Social Justice class from the Greater Lawndale Little Village School for Social Justice
Chicago Youth Initiating Change: Student Empowerment is Social Justice Education,
Chicago Youth Initiating Change
Teaching About Global Warming, Grades 5-12, Rethinking Schools
Anti- Military Recruitment, AFSC and Students for Social Justice at Kelly High School
Creating Equity While Building a Global Network of Social Justice Educators, Mind Power from San Francisco
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