CPS Attack on LSC Power
September 7, 2007
TSJ members/friends... CPS administration and Mayor Daley have made it clear that they aim to try to strip the power to grant principal contracts from the LSCs. There is an effort to the IL General Assembly, at the end of its legislative session, to pass legislation stripping the power...We need to ACT! The most comprehensive study of Chicago's Local School Councils by the Consortium on Chicago School Research at the University of Chicago concludes that:
"The vast majority of LSCs are viable governance organizations that responsibly carry out their mandated duties and are active in building school and community relationships."Please read the fact sheet from Designs for Change, and...
- Across Chicago, LSC members must protect the LSC's right to select and renew principal contracts. Get help from other parents, community members, and educators to contact legislators.
- Call members of the House and Senate Education Committee and tell them: OPPOSE LAST MINUTE LEGISLATION TO CHANGE THE LSC'S ROLE IN CHOOSING PRINCIPALS IN CHICAGO! Remind them about the "arbitration process" they already put in place. And tell them how your LSC has worked hard with your school staff to improve student achievement.
- Email the Fact Sheet to others and urge them to contact their state legislators.