What does it mean to "exhibit" curriculum at the CF?
Each teacher/exhibitor gets a table at the Fair to set up her/his materials. Many teachers exhibit curriculum by bringing a tri-fold board (like those science fair boards) and bring lesson or unit plans, student work, assignments, artifacts, video, whatever, to share their curriculum ideas. Many bring their students along who sit at the table and explain the work with their teachers. The CF is set up so that we can browse the "exhibits," talk with each other, and share lessons.
Do you want to present a workshop? Click here to apply.
What are the workshops?
Although the main focus of the CF is person-to-person contact through the exhibitors at their tables, we also have a limited number of workshops. These range from curricular innovations about social justice pedagogy to, for example, using multicultural children's literature to organizing for educational justice. These provide more in-depth, interactive ways for teachers and students to share what they've been learning and doing in their classrooms, and for activists/organizers to create dialogue and spaces for learning and for all of us to bring democracy to education and Chicago. These are our schools!
What's the difference between an "exhibit" and a "resource table?"
Exhibitors are usually teachers who have taught a lesson, unit, or project, or who have some developed ideas to teach. We really encourage classroom teachers who are doing this work. Resource tables are usually for organizations that produce curriculum and resources for teachers and want to share them w/ others.
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