2010 Curriculum Fair Workshops Announced!
November 15, 2010
1] Cantastoria:
Creatively Telling Our Stories. Room 210.
Kate Thomas, Megan
Pahmier, Diane Worbec-Serratos
- Using the art form cantastoria three art educators will perform visual storytellings and reveal the poetic and playful nature of this ancient art form as a method of social critique. The tradition of cantastoria originated in India as way to use visual paintings, with song and story, to communicate a social message of importance. The historical traditions of cantastoria make it a perfect medium for lecturing, critiquing, and conveying complex information in a creative format.
Towards a Social-Justice Oriented Chicago Teacher’s Union. Room 214.
Facilitated by members
of the Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE)
- With Teachers’ Unions under attack nationwide, how can Unions survive against the onslaught of negative media from outside and negative perceptions from a new generation of teachers? Teacher’s Beyond an agenda of the “bread and butter” issues of teachers, unions can be a democratizing and social justice force for students and communities. Large emphasis will be placed on changes within the Chicago Teachers’ Union.
3] Don’t Just Talk
About it, Be About It: Social Justice & Action in the US History
Classroom. Room 211.
J. Cyriac Mathew & Nathan Haines
- We will be presenting a Freirean perspective about what it means to teach for social justice in the US history classroom. This perspective radically differs from traditional history classrooms and differs significantly from most “liberal” and “progressive” history classrooms. Our contention is that the US history classroom must make its primary focus the conditions of oppression faced by our students, and also must build in action by students to transform that oppression.
4] NOT Waiting for Superman: The Money Behind
the Movie and What We Should Do About It. Room 200.
Bob Peterson,
Rethinking Schools.
- This workshop will start with a presentation and group discussion on the money and ideology behind the movie “Waiting for ‘Superman.’” The second part of the workshop will examine the organized response to the movie and the strategic implications this movie has for progressive educators and teacher union activists.
5] Chain of Change:
Mobile Media Youth Responses to Violence. Room 212.
Salome Chasnoff,
Rebecca Connie and Tara Malik, of Beyondmedia Education
- Chain of Change, a Beyondmedia Education initiative, organizes youth across community boundaries to create and broadcast media that expose the roots of violence. ChainofChange.com is a forum for youth-led discussion on the many forms of violence youth face, from relationship violence and street harassment to institutional and media violence. Through story sharing and hands-on activities, participants in this workshop will learn how to create and use mobile media devices, such as Flip cameras and cell phones, for preventative and curative anti-violence activism.
6] Leaving No ELL
Behind When it Comes to Comprehension. Room 202.
Meredith Piec &
Nalleli Martinez, Cleveland Public Schools- “I don’t get it”… “Huh?”… “Qué?” If you find yourself hearing these all too familiar, reoccurring phrases from your students, this workshop is for you. Our ELL students may have learned to read, they may even be fluent readers, but it’s time we teach them how to read for meaning. Learn how to scaffold your reading comprehension instruction utilizing the language domains and proficiencies of your students with culturally relevant picture books.
7] Start Building
Supportive LGBTQ Educational Spaces. Room 213.
Edith Bucio, Jenny
Weston, and Aerin Dugan
- Join us in exploring the impact that allies have in your own life. Connect these experiences to the importance of allies in the LGBTQA community in educational spaces. Through interactive activities we will learn how to use these ally characteristics in real life situations.
Session Two: 2:30-3:45
(Second Floor)
1] Organizing for Radical Educational Transformation in Chicago, in a post-Daley era. Room 211.
of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU)
- Public education is under attack on many fronts. Where are these attacks coming from and why are they occurring? How can teachers, parents, students, community and education allies UNITE to demand a voice in education and school improvement issues? This workshop will emphasize the many educational transformation efforts that are occurring and engage participants to strategize on what else can be done to defend and strengthen Public Education.
2] Teaching through Lies:
Ideological Literacy and Popular Culture. Room 212.
Patrick Camangian,
University of San Francisco- This workshop will provide teachers with classroom strategies to help their students analyze the ideological structure through which ideas of race, class and gender are constructed in the media generally, and in corporate rap music specifically. Drawing on critical perspectives for a teaching framework, this workshop offers curricular examples for preparing students to examine issues of privilege, social control, and oppression in U.S. society while fostering their intellectual analysis, academic aptitude and creative writing and voice.
3] Urban Renewal or Urban Removal? Draft Curriculum
Release and Practical Applications for Educators, Activists, and
Community Members. Room 200.
David Stovall, Anton Miglietta, Myrna Garcia,
Gabriel Cortez
- Participants will receive a draft of Urban Renewal or Urban Removal?,* the first completed unit of A People’s Chicago: Our Stories of Change and Struggle, as well as other classroom projects and materials on Chicago’s history and some current realities (3rd grade, 7 – 12th grades). Everyone will get to examine key aspects of the curriculum including historic documents and a photographic journey into Chicago Communities 2010 – an ongoing photographic series. A classroom tour of curriculum exhibits, topic station choices, small group work, and chances to make practical connections are all emphasized. Please reach out on your areas of interest to attend monthly curriculum creation nights. *space limited to first 30
4] Empowering Parents
for a Social Justice Classroom. Room 214.
Grow Your Own Students
and Logan Square Neighborhood Association
- This workshop focuses on the importance of including parents and community members in a social justice classroom. Currently, the disconnection between community and schools is thriving under policies in urban schools that uproot students from their communities. Logan Square parents recognize the need for school-family relationships and took it upon themselves not only to invite but to encourage parents to be an authentic part of the classroom. This workshop will highlight the barriers to parent participation and invite participants to brainstorm strategies that effectively use the assets of the community in a social justice-based classroom.
5] Using Spoken Word
in the Classroom. Room 213.
Tim Stafford
- Using Spoken Word in the classroom- Tim Stafford is the editor of the anthology Learn Then Burn and co-authored its Teachers Edition. He is also a poet and Chicago Public Schools Teacher. In this workshop Tim will show you how to use spoken word as well as your own writing to teach poetry in a way that is both productive and engaging.
6] Introduction to the Occupation in
Palestine/ Israel. Room 202.
Muhammad Sankari, Shira Tevah, Ruby
- This workshop gives high-school students and teachers an overview of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict leading to current Israeli occupation of Palestine, and the political struggles and everyday realities that are part of the occupation. The workshop uses media including maps and music videos to dissect the historical context of the occupation and break down Zionism, as well as relate the situation in that part of the world to displacement, eviction, brutality, and resistance that may look familiar to Chicago students. Students and teachers are welcome and will receive a workshop outline and resource list for those wanting to replicate the workshop.
7] Roots Of Violence- Heterosexism. Room 210.
Xia, KOKUMO, Benjamin,
Nalleli, and Sam (Gender Just)
- This training is designed so that trainees will be able to understand the ways in which everyone is impacted by systemic violence based on sexual orientation and gender-identity, as well as the ways that it is connected to other forms of systemic violence such as white supremacy and imperialism. The goal is to develop a shared recognition of systematic violence based on sexual orientation and gender-identities.