Action for Racial and Economic Justice
March 28, 2017
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Action for Racial and Economic Justice
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Anniversary of Dr. King's Assassination
National Mobilization for Justice
The Fight for $15 has partnered nationally with the Movement for Black Lives for a day of action on April 4th, the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Teachers for Social Justice is organizing for this event (in Chicago), which is in two parts: Part I: 3:30 PM-Federal Plaza, 219 S Dearborn: Rally for racial, economic, and gender justice!
Part II: 5:30 PM-Chicago Teachers Union, 1901 West Carroll: Citywide Teach-In-Resist, Reimagine, Rebuild-linking Dr. King, economic & racial justice, and the need to build a united front with many movements.TSJ
Members/supporters will meet at 3:15 at Federal Plaza. Look for the TSJ Banner and gather there. And we will sit together at the Teach-In at 5:30.
Come join with us for this historic occasion in commemorating Dr. King's vision, legacy, and spirit of struggle. Click here to let TSJ know if you're coming AND please register HERE.
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