SOJO Teachers Win Back Jobs! Students March Through Community
August 31, 2012
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Angela Sangha and Katie Hogan, founding teachers of the Social Justice High School (SOJO) who were fired on 8/24 as part of CPS’s move to dismantle the school, won back their jobs on 8/30. This is a huge victory – thanks to the strength of the parents, students, teachers and the CTU.
The struggle for SOJO is not over
Today, SOJO students, chanting “Where’s the Justice in Social justice” and wearing T- shirts saying “CPS We Want Answers,” led a disciplined march and rally of 200 in the community and another rally at the school. Parents marched with them in support.
The SOJO community demands CPS:
1. Rewind to August 6 (Reinstate principal, rehire all fired staff, reinstate all scheduled programs and classes)
2. Approve and sign contracts for Kathy Farr, fired principal of SOJO, and also World Language principal (another high school in the Lawndale/Little Village High School Campus)
3. Change Advisory Local School Council to fully-empowered LSC
4. No retaliation against any students, staff, or parents
5. Issue an apology to the community
This is another move by CPS to destabilize and disinvest in neighborhood schools, disenfranchise the community, and turn public schools over to private operators. CPS is talking about taking half of the public schools in Chicago and turning them over to private operators in the next few years. The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board states, “CPS will likely close or consolidate scores of schools next year” (8/31). We have to draw a line in the sand.
Call CPS CEO Jean-Claud Brizard (773) 553-1500
Call Theresa Plascencia, CPS West Side Network Chief (773) 534-9770
Call Alderman Rick Munoz, if you live in his ward (773) 762-1781
Tell them you want all the demands met!
Stay tuned for next steps.
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