TSJ Officially Endorses CORE for CTU Leadership
May 16, 2010
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The upcoming election for the leadership of the CTU (Chicago Teachers Union), on May 21, is extremely significant given the current political and economic situation facing Chicago.
On the basis of our political principles and 12-year history of fighting for justice and equity in education (and society), Teachers for Social Justice officially endorses CORE (Caucus of Rank-and-file Educators) for CTU leadership.
We believe CORE has the best chance to lead the CTU forward towards being a democratic, social justice union, in solidarity with communities and community organization, that will fight for the interests of Chicago students, parents, and, of course, teachers. We know and respect many in CORE leadership because many came out of TSJ and are still members/friends and participate in TSJ events.
We believe CORE has the best chance to lead the CTU forward towards being a democratic, social justice union, in solidarity with communities and community organization, that will fight for the interests of Chicago students, parents, and, of course, teachers. We know and respect many in CORE leadership because many came out of TSJ and are still members/friends and participate in TSJ events.
We urge all TSJers to vote for the CTU in the election (if you are a union member) and to otherwise help in EVERY way you can to support CORE. CORE is holding a May 8 "training event" for outreach to schools (flyer attached) for all who want to volunteer to support their election drive. See http://coreteachers.com/
In solidarity and struggle,
Teachers for Social Justice Active Core
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I cannot adequately express the depth of heartfelt gratitude I have for everyone that worked so hard to bring CORE this far.
I thank every CTU member that voted for CORE and feel a deep obligation to meet your most positive expectations.
I thank George Schmidt for being there where everyone needed him the most at the most opportune time.
And I am once again awed and inspired by whatever it is (name it as you may), that holds this wonderful Cosmos together and keeps us all from tumbling into chaos and insignificance.
Michael E. Brunson
CORE Candidate for Recording Secretary