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Fighting the Meeks Anti-LSC Bill & Supporting Ren2010 Moratorium

February 16, 2010 Leave a Comment

The Sun-Times recently released an article about the Anti-Local School Councils Meeks Bill, which would strip a vital source of remaining democracy in our school system.

Here follows a message from PURE (Parents United for Responsible Education) regarding the Meeks Anti-Local School Councils Bill and Renaissance 2010 Moratorium Bill. 

Two things you can do right away:
  • Fight the Meeks anti-LSC bill -- Strategy meeting tomorrow, Wednesday Feb. 17, 6 pm, at Mollison Elementary School, 4415 S. King Drive (and get LSC training credit for 7-8 or -9) - sponsored by the MidSouth Education Committee.
  • Call on City Council Education Committee members to sign on to the R2010 moratorium resolution and call for a hearing on the resolution BEFORE the Feb. 24th Board of Education meeting. 
Here is the list of Education Committee members' contact info.
Here is the language of the moratorium resolution on R2010.
Here is a sample letter to the members which includes evidence of R2010's failure. 


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