Forum On Restorative Justice and the Schoolhouse to Jailhouse Pipeline
May 29, 2009
EDUCATORS! Are you interested in restorative justice? Alternatives to the "schoolhouse to jailhouse" pipeline? Tired of seeing student unjustly and overly punished? Wanting to know about peer juries and how to make them work? Then join us THIS FRIDAY
May 29, 2009
5:00pm - 7:00pm |
Decima Musa |
1901 S. Loomis Street. |
Chicago, IL |
Teachers for Social Justice is hosting a forum on Restorative Justice and the Schoolhouse to Jailhouse Pipeline. An experienced and expert panel of community organizers, educators and youth will be discussing the impact of alternative methods of discipline, how such methods have proven to reduce school violence, and the relationship between education and incarceration. Following the panel discussion, our panelists will lead breakout groups to work with forum attendees to set up restorative justice practices in their schools and communities, to learn more about breaking the link between the schoolhouse and the jailhouse, and to gain valuable resources.
You are invited to attend this unique and powerful event--it's open to
anyone and everyone so spread the word! Join us!